For those wanting to get a career in sustainable energy, it’s important to know what classes you actually need to take. Unlike some other career paths, you need to get an actual degree instead of just getting a few certifications or certificates. Even with that being the case, it would be a good idea to take a few extra classes to ensure you’re as prepared and educated on the matter as possible. We’ve put together a list of 6 different classes you’ll need to take in order to get one of these degree, as told by professionals like Douglas Healy.


For starters, you’ll want to take a thermodynamics class. With this class, students will learn about the different relationships with heat and other types of energy, as well as the relationships between all energy types. Since sustainable energy is all about energy, it’s important to know what kind of relationship it has with other forms of energies and how they relate to each other. Many times, the different energies will be intertwined and you’ll need to know the important aspects of each. Since they all work hand in hand, not knowing the relationship can leave you completely clueless.


You’ll also want to take a chemistry class. Not only can you just take the class, but you could work towards a bachelor’s degree in this field and make your focus on sustainable energy. In addition to learning the information needed for a chemistry degree, if you make your focus sustainable energy, then you’ll learn about that too. Keep in mind, you’ll have classes for both fields, so it might get a little hectic. Chemistry is so important in this field because you need to know the chemistry and reactions behind sustainable energy in order to be able to find solutions for problems and demands both now and in the future.


With statistics, a large amount of information is collected then analyzed to figure out patterns and relationships of certain things. With sustainable energy, there’s a few reasons why it’s so important. For starters, it’s important to know how much growth has happened over a certain period of time. It’s also important to see these patterns so you can figure out what the supply and demand might be in the future. Both of these are essential because you want to be able to make sure you can produce enough supply to meet the growing demands.

Energy Science & Technology

Another required class is energy science & technology, or something similar. This type of class is all about helping students understand the basic concepts of the science and technologies behind energy. In addition to learning about various energy concepts, you can also expect to learn about how we produce, transform and actually consume energy. It will also teach you the kind of impact energy has on the environment, especially things to do with global warming. This class is important because it will give you an in-depth understanding of everything behind energy and reasons why sustainable energy is so important.

Foundations in Sustainability Systems

Taking a Foundations in Sustainability Systems class or something similar will also help you work towards your degree. There are 2 main things that these types of courses will teach you. These are: common sustainability issues that are happening now and in the past, as well as the ins and outs of sustainability systems. In order to really understand the field, it’s essential to know what kind of issues you might encounter and know how to work the systems that you’ll need to solve those issues. These are typically taken when you’re getting a higher degree, but they are important nonetheless.

Energy Management

One final class that you’ll want to take is energy management. This class will teach you how to plan, implement and operate energy production and consumption units. In addition to learning what kinds of different units there are, but you’ll also learn how to make plans in order to keep the units up and running. With the growing demands for sustainable energy, it’s essential to be able to keep up.

As you can see, these particular classes are essential to getting a degree in sustainable energy. This is the reasons that professionals like Douglas Healy recommend for you to take them. Most of these will be included with the coursework that you take while working towards your actual degree, but you should take them separately if they aren’t. The main thing is to just be sure you’re taking all of the classes you need in order to be prepared as possible