A public relations specialist is responsible for a variety of different things within their job. Each public relations position requires different skills and experience levels since each company is different. Public relations specialists can work in a variety of different fields, such as the government, non-profit organizations, fortune 500 companies and more. The main responsibility of a public relations agent is to maintain close relationships with others, create communication materials and speak on behalf of the company. To help ensure that you are prepared for these roles and responsibilities it is crucial that all public relations agents take a variety of classes. Here are some of the top classes every PR agent must take.

Public Speaking

As a PR agent, you will be responsible for speaking directly with the public and media on a daily basis. To help ensure that you are prepared to deal with important people, like  Nancy Etz and others, it is crucial that you take a course in public speaking. A public speaking course can help you understand the best methods and strategies for talking to the public. An instructor can help give feedback on your strengths and weaknesses to help you improve. Some of the main things that the course will likely focus on include posture, tone, speed, delivery and more. To be a successful PR agent you must be an excellent public speaker and a course in public speaking is ideal.


As a PR agent, you are responsible for marketing yourself and your company to the public. You must use your voice to help influence the opinions of the public. A course in advertising can help you understand how to influence opinions and how to use your voice and ideas to change someone’s mind. You will learn about how to manage media campaigns and learn about the responsibilities of advertisers. You will also learn about target audiences and how to appeal to them. These are crucial because as a PR agent you will be working with target audiences on a daily basis.

Creative Writing

While a course in creative writing is likely not a mandatory course for PR agents to take, it is a great course that can significantly help you improve your career and career outlook. In a creative writing course, you will learn about using your voice and ideas to communicate a message. You will learn different techniques and strategies for telling a story. This can help you appeal to the public and the media to help them understand your message.

Business Administration

Another excellent course to take if you want to be a well rounded professional, like Nancy Etz, is business administration. Most PR agents work for businesses and if you understand how business works you will be a better PR agent. You will be able to work smarter if you know what the executives expect from you and your role.


Journalism is another excellent class that all PR agents should take. As a PR agent, you will likely be working directly with journalists every day. Journalists will be the ones to give your message to the public and will be the ones who take what you say and make it more concise. If you understand the roles and responsibilities of journalists you will be able to form better and stronger relationships with them. If you have a strong relationship with journalists and understand how they do their job you will be a better PR agent and likely increase your career opportunities.


Another important class for PR agents to take is a Marketing class. A simple, introduction to marketing class would be a great idea because it would introduce you to all the different marketing ideas. A class in marketing will teach you how to market your ideas to the public. If you know what sells and what influences opinions you can use your knowledge and skills to change the minds of the public. Having this knowledge set can help make your job much easier and make you much more effective at what you do each day.

A PR agent has many different responsibilities and must work closely with a vast number of people. PR agents must work with the executives at their company, the media, the public, journalists, and many others. To help you succeed in your job you should highly consider taking these five courses. These courses can significantly boost your career and make you more successful at what you do.